The studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for a student's absence(s). Monthly rates are flat fees and shall not be lowered nor refunded for missed lessons. 
No credits or refunds are issued for missed lessons for any reason. Permitted we receive at least 24 hours advance notice of a student's absence, and permitted the instructor's schedule will allow, we will do our best to schedule a make-up lesson. All make-up lessons must occur no more than 3 months from the original lesson date and are only eligible for currently enrolled students. If you withdraw from lessons or take a break, the lessons are no longer eligible for reschedule. Please keep in mind that we have a specific time reserved for each student each week, and depending on an instructor's schedule it may not always be possible to schedule a make-up lesson.
In the event that a student anticipates an absence, he or she may notify the instructor:
1) By phone,
2) By email, or
3) In person with the instructor during studio hours.

It is important to note that we manage the schedules for all of the instructors, and while it is nice that a student makes the instructor aware of an upcoming absence, it is also imperative that the parent formally informs the instructor via e mail ( to have the absence documented). Please understand that all cancellations and make-up lessons must be done in advance.
If a student is tardy to a lesson, he or she will not receive a full session. The student will only receive a lesson for the remainder of the time available during his or her regularly scheduled lesson time.

In as much as possible, please let us know in advance.
If a student is tardy to a lesson, he or she will not receive a full session. The student will only receive a lesson for the remainder of the time available during his or her regularly scheduled lesson time.

Please bear in mind that some months contain an extra week for which there is no additional charge. It is highly recommended that you attend regularly during these months in order for you to compensate for absence(s) you may incur during the year.
If, for some reason, a lesson must be missed, please notify me at least one week (or not less than 24 hours if possible) in advance. Please be certain to do so by e-mail, unless is a last minute cancellation..

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