
Our mission is to perpetuate and present with excellence music of the highest quality for the broadest possible audience. We bring that mission to life through a commitment to artistic excellence, masterful performances, and educational enrichment in the community, enhancing the lives of generations. We want to provide high-quality classical music performances for and to develop, promote, and enhance classical musical appreciation in Cortland County.

• We pledge to serve the community by enhancing lives through arts education, exchange of ideas, performance, community partnerships and advocacy.

CMI will achieve its Mission by

• Partnering annually with the Cultural Council of Cortland County to organize seven or more concerts and or musical programs.
• Co-sponsoring with musical and theatrical groups for additional high-quality musical entertainment for Cortland County residents, particularly to serve the rural and undeserved areas of the county.
• Creating exposure of classical musicians and artists to school music programs through the CortlandMusic, Inc. MAI: Musical Arts Institute.**
• Developing revenue streams in support of music scholarships for the advancement of classical music appreciation and talent development for young musicians.
• Continuously reviewing ways to expand classical music appreciation and understanding among all segments of the Cortland County communities.

Statement of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion:

CortlandMusic, INC is a non-profit organization that was created expressly for the purpose of inclusiveness in 2004, back then, when no one was using the term for the purpose of encompassing members, stakeholder and participant community in a common aim: "to make art for the sake of art" without regard for color, race, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, gender, economic circumstances , religion, or abilities.  Our core values  are our commitment to inclusiveness and diversity (in the most extensive meaning of the word) and we practice what we preach.
True art encompasses diversity, and the practice of inclusion has always been our foremost strength; for that reason our organization, in the town of Cortland, has always been admired, particularly when the public explores our diverse Board of Directors, our policies and procedures, our programing and the origins of our 501-C organization.


We vow to be the region’s premier promoter of the arts and entertainment, our mission is to use our expertise as a manager, presenter, and educator to:
• Offer a broad range of high quality performing and visual arts programs
• Develop diverse audiences
• Foster an appreciation of the arts and understanding of their forms
• Encourage the use performance venues in the area to host programs that will increase the classical music appreciation of the patrons.

* see the definition of Salon in our page of programs.
** Se the page on the newly formed CortlandMusic, Inc MAI: Musical Arts Institute.

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